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You can find out more about us and our company mission here, we pride ourselves on being unique in our approach to ensure that everyone gets the very best service from day one, as our saying goes...

Only The Best, Out The Box.


OTB Solutions was founded by two professionals from IT and marketing design backgrounds who noticed a recurring problem in their fields: countless individuals with innovative business ideas were held back by not knowing where to start, or struggling to keep up with admin in the early days. Driven by a passion for helping people turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality, they created OTB Solutions.


We believe that too many new business ideas and aspirations are thwarted by the ever-changing technological landscape required to run a successful business in the modern era. This discourages many individuals from executing otherwise brilliant ideas. Our mission is to simplify the startup process by providing the tools and support needed to launch and grow successful businesses. We strive to drive innovation and empower individuals to work for themselves, ensuring that great ideas don't remain just ideas.

Hundreds of skilled individuals across various industries have brilliant business ideas every day. However, they are often deterred by the multitude of moving parts required to start a business, which fall outside their existing skillset and profession. This results in many innovative ideas never leaving someone's mind, leading to stagnant markets dominated by established big brands.

OTB Solutions exists to bridge this gap. We offer a comprehensive, one-stop-shop service to handle all the external components necessary to start a brand or company in the 21st century. From communication services and booking solutions to marketing, payment systems, and invoice and quote generation platforms, OTB takes care of everything outside the client's core skillset. This approach allows our clients to focus on the industry-specific areas where they feel the market demands their expertise, fostering innovation and enabling small brands to compete successfully.



While many competitors offer seemingly similar services, they are often bundled as add-ons with their website design host. This creates a single point of failure for your website, domain, and communications, compromising security and limiting interoperability with future tools. OTB Solutions believes in the separation of core infrastructure to ensure the continuity and availability of your key platforms.


We offer fair and transparent pricing with packages detailing the hours allocated for each discipline. Additional hours are available if needed, but we never up-sell unnecessary services. Many features that others charge extra for are included in our packages, ensuring great value. We’re always happy to explain our cost breakdowns and work with you to design a package that fits your budget while meeting your needs. Our goal is to provide comprehensive, affordable solutions without unexpected costs.


Our services include industry best-practice security measures at no additional cost. With a cybersecurity expert on our team, you can ensure your solutions are secure and will keep your business safe from the very start. At OTB Solutions, we include critical components as standard with many of our services. We believe that comprehensive security and functionality should never come at an additional cost.


OTB Solutions was created to build lasting relationships with our customers beyond a simple one-time transaction. Our industry knowledge and experts are here to help where we can, and we will direct you to trusted partners when we can't. We aim to support you in achieving your business goals and ensuring your success.


We step outside the single design channel to offer a full suite of services covering all areas of technology. This ensures you get the best start possible. We can also be retained to help you stay on top of things. Our goal is to serve as your go-to resource for all technology and design-related questions in the early days, not just limited to design-specific knowledge.


We focus on providing the best value for your money, with many essentials included to ensure a comprehensive and cost-effective service. Our Brand ID package includes letterheads, which others might call a "stationery package" and charge extra for. Our site design isn't limited to a set number of pages, as we believe modern tools negate such restrictions often used to extract more money. Every email solution comes with a brand-aligned signature at no extra cost.

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